Discounted early bird registration is available now for current and prospective students. Spaces are limited, so register soon!
School administrators will be online to answer questions.
Before the Q&A sessions, please check out the FAQ below and the FAQ page below and peruse this website before the Q&A .
When does school start and end for the new school year?
We are finalizing the planning for the new school year and will make available the calendar soon. Before that happens, we have determined school will start August 20 and end May 20, 2022.
Will classes be in-person or online?
PACS rents classrooms from the Palo Alto Unified School District (PAUSD) and there has been no response from PAUSD yet. As such we are forced to plan for online classes for August~December this year and look forward to returning to physical classrooms in January 2022.
What is the class size for each grade?
Class sizes vary depending on the grade level. However, in general we will be keeping the current small class sizes for the current school year as it is more feasible for online classes and smaller classes will be needed for physical classes as well to enforce COVID-19 safety measures.
For further questions contact us at [email protected]. Are there classes that fill up quickly?
Yes, certain grade levels fill up quickly, and this will be happen more so because of the smaller class sizes. As they fill up we will post the information about specific classes, and you will be placed on a waitlist when classes fill up.
Will there be a pre-K class?
There will be a pre-K class that will last for 45 minutes in the beginning online, and it may be gradually increased to 60 minutes. Once in-person classes resume it will be returned to 90 minutes.
Last Updated: March 19 |
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